Balancing Work and Play: How to Do It

Life can get busy, and we all have to accept that sometimes there just isn’t time to accomplish everything on our to-do list. But there’s no reason to let our priorities shift to the bottom of the list. In fact, if we aren’t careful, our work life and social life can actually become so intertwined that we can no longer distinguish between them. So how can I remember that it’s okay to have a life outside of work?

In today’s world, work and play can get a bit out of balance. Although, balancing work and play can be extremely important in today’s fast-paced work environment. We all know that having a healthy equilibrium between the two is essential to our health and general well-being. Also, working too much or too little can be detrimental to our productivity, stress levels, and overall ability to enjoy our free time.

This article will discuss how to keep work and play in balance without sacrificing either. We’ll talk about how to work when you don’t want to, how to play when you don’t want to and how to find the right balance in between.

Here are some tips I’ve compiled to make it easier to find the balance between work and play:

Set a schedule to be at work on time

When you’re juggling work, family, and other responsibilities, it can sometimes be hard to get everything done “on time.” As the morning approaches, you start to dread the fact that you have to get yourself to work early to get everything done, but after a few weeks of this, you’ll have to start setting a schedule for yourself.

Schools, businesses, and even companies like Google (or even Facebook) often give employees a work-life balance. The idea is that employees should work a regular day schedule, but they should be able to leave the office at a certain time and come back later. The problem is that we all have things we want to do during the day, and we’re on a schedule of our own. When we say we’re going to do something, we’re usually pretty serious about it, even if we have to put it off for later. It’s important to set a flexible schedule for your own time, but do so by breaking down your goals and expectations into realistic amounts.

So, we have a job and a social life, but we still want to squeeze in time to have fun, right? Maybe you and I are worried that our work will swallow all our free time. Or maybe you have a lot of free time but feel like we are work isn’t giving us enough satisfaction. Or maybe you’re a stay-at-home mom who wants to work but finds it hard to get the time to fit everything in. Whatever your situation might be, you would need some amount of work-life balance in order be lead a satisfactory life.

Leave work at work

Workaholics will tell you that it’s harder to balance work and play than it looks. They cite the fact that they never have time to play with kids and that they’re constantly on their laptops in their free time. They’re right. In fact, if you work from home, you can’t actually limit work on your laptop ever. You’re always in “work mode,” and that means your mind is occupied at all times.

But this shouldn’t be the case. You should draw a line between work and play, or it can become too overwhelming. In fact, in the long run, it can leave you stressed, lonely and depressed. To avoid this from happening, you should set a scheduled time for work and shouldn’t extend it even by a few minutes. And as soon as you have logged out, make way for better, engaging activities. You can even play games like air hockey (you may wish to learn how to make air hockey table slide better), table tennis, and fuse ball, depending on what is available in the office space or a nearby club. Needless to say, games and sports tend to provide some of the best relaxation.

In case you have got kids or pets at home, you can also play with them. If you have friends, hang out with them. Or if you are someone who likes his own company, then enjoy me-time, maybe with some cannabis (if interested, you can Order Bud Online or from a local dispensary), as it is said to work miraculously well in calming the mind. By engaging in such activities, your mind can unwind and relax, so that you can perform better the next day.

Make plans with the people in your life

As we get older and our life becomes more and more hectic, we find ourselves missing the days of college. If you are anything like me, you no longer have the time to schedule plans with your friends and other loved ones to the point that you can’t make plans at all.

We all want some interesting plans for a timeout with our close ones, where we can speak our heart out, go for a game of tennis, or simply chill at home watching Netflix or playing a few online casino games, maybe with the help of a site like

The truth, however, is that we often spend too much time waiting for other people to make those plans. In the meantime, we fritter away hours, procrastinate, and end up with nothing: no flexible hours, no vacation, and no play.

This can leave us all the more upset. But, we can prevent this from happening by taking initiative. Instead of waiting for our friends to plan and invite us, we can organize small parties at home every now and then. It just requires us to order some good food and a few pints of drinks to get sorted. To level up the fun, however, we can also source some greens like this aaaaa weed and it could prove to be the best relaxation amidst stressful work days.

Don’t feel guilty!

Everybody feels guilty a time or two. Whether it’s time you spent on Facebook instead of working, the hundredth time you told your partner you’d be right back, or even sleeping in because you were up late studying for your next big exam – guilt is a part of life. But guilt doesn’t just make you feel bad about yourself. Guilt is actually toxic, and it can be dangerous.